Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sophie's 1st Year...

I would have preferred to do a slideshow, but it wasn't working out for me. Either way, enjoy these pictures of Sophie's 1st year of life. It is crazy that a year ago she was so new and tiny, and now she is all over the place, talking, and being a little spaz. Sophie absolutely loves her big sisters and it fun to see them grow together. She is now saying "whats that" to about anything, and she loves music and animals. She was been such a blessing and joy in our lives and as much as I don't want her to get bigger, its been fun to go see each phase come and go, and I look forward to many more to come.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Myah's 8th Birthday

I can't believe Myah is eight! It seems such a short time ago when she couldn't say her R's and had the cutest raspy voice ever!!! Some of my favorited Myah quotes: When she would say Chlockolate instead of Chololate, "Wyan doesn't start with and R, Wyan starts with a W!" And last but not least she was the one who created my moms nickname, Grandma ConCon. My "little one" is now eight. Wow, how time flies.

Myah was able to have a fun Luau Birthday Party. This was SO much fun!! Then the next Saturday, on May 1st, she was baptized by her Grandpa Snow and Confirmed by Grandpa Bylund. She looked SO beautiful on the stand, I was SO proud of her and her choice to be baptized. She amazes me with her strengthe at her young age, I am excited to see what the future holds for Myah. Smart, Beautiful, Funny and full of LIFE!! Thats my girl!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lava and Moab

Ally- shotgun of the Rhino!

Savannah and Myah- back seaters.

Family and Tom

Man made geysers in Soda Springs- ID
My pink Ewok!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sophie at 6 months

I am SO Blessed!

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Saturday, February 20, 2010


So January and February have gone by in the blink of an eye! They were very busy months, so busy that I haven't been a very good picture taker, so I don't have much. Or we just haven't done anything that fun to take pictures of.

In January, we put our house up for sale, hoping to take advantage of the economy and upgrade our home. So cleaning and packing up stuff, and keeping our house emaculate was what we did for most of the month of Jan and February. We also had to be out of the house a lot, so thanks to mom and dad and Sharilyn for hosting us a few times! But like most hard work, it paid off. Last week we accepted the offer on our home. And now we finally (after over 50 homes) have found one we love and are putting in an offer tomorrow! So March will be our moving month.

As far as Ally and Myah, well, they have been super good to keep everything clean and making their beds. Definately got them into a good habit. They had a fun Valentines day, and enjoyed making their boxes with Jory. They also had Parent Teachers Conference, which is always good. And they both tested for Spectrum on Feb 20th! I was so proud to have 2 kids testing!

Sophie is sitting up and trying to be mobile. Though she still hates to be on her belly. It is pretty impressive how far she can stretch. She sings....and it is SO cute! Ahh..ahhhh..ahhh. She just started babbling "ba ba" and she is So proud of herself!

So here are about the only good pics for the past couple of months. Thanks for reading my random post today. Just feeling good and blessed for what I have!

Myah- So proud of her Valentine Castle!

Ally- So proud of her Valentine mail box!

Cute- Naked Sophie! Gotta show off the chubby!

And she is sitting Up!