Thursday, May 21, 2009

Round 3.....

So, if you have been following our blog you are aware of Jory's continual fight with the wall. Last week, the score was update to Wall 3; Jory 0.

I know it looks like I hit him with a baseball bat.... but you all know I wouldn't be THAT mean!

This actually happened at work. Jory had a resistance band in the door frame doing some chest curls when....WHACK!!!! the frame released the band, and well, you can see for yourself the damage. We are just glad it didn't hit his face this time!!!

"It doesn't hurt so much here... or here.... but right in this spot here!"

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Myah's 7th Birthday!

I can't believe my "little one" is now 7. Since she is such a mommy's girl, she will probably always be my baby, even with this new one on the way. Today she was reading a book about a polar bear raised by a man named Thomas. She told me that the favorite place for this polar bear to be was near Thomas. Knowing the answer, I asked her where her favorite place to be was, and she smiled and said, "next to mom!"
Myah is so full of life and spunk. She is always wanting to try different things and is so brave to adventure out. She is finishing up her acting class next week, which she has done throughout the year, with dance, and now she wants to move on to Kung Fu- or be a Jedi. But really we are going to sign her up in Karate in the fall.
Even with her energenic personality, she is the top student in her class and LOVES school. I am so proud of you Myah and I love you SO Much!!!